Your email will be deleted within 1.5 seconds.

Why do we delete so many emails without reading them?

I swipe left too often. Deleting unread emails from organisations who once sparked so much interest I gave them my email address.

Why do I no longer read them? Because all they do is sell, or send too many emails, or are repetitive, boring, poorly designed and no longer relevant.

Now they are ignored.

What a waste.

The average email open rate is 18%. How can you respect your reader's time if 82% have taken the trouble to sign up, but ignore your emails? That’s 82% who were once interested in you, but now ignore you. It’s a wanton waste of your asset.

Why do so many businesses have boring emails campaigns? Why do they lack imagination? Because too many businesses see them as a selling tool and not much more. As happens so often on social media, emails fail because all they do is broadcast.

Businesses spend too little time thinking about how they can interest and give value to their readers .

No wonder we are tired of emails.

“It feels great to get an email from someone you care about. Or a newsletter you enjoy. Or an update from a service you love. That’s how email used to feel all the time.”


I’m on a mission to improve your open rates.

There is a golden opportunity. While most businesses see social media as the holy grail, the reality is it will never beat email for conversions.

Emails have a 40x better conversion rate than social media. So while your competitors are looking away, now's the time to steal a march on your competition.

Email should be the destination where you turn potential customers into happy customers.

This isn't a quick fix. This requires ideas, time and perseverance. But your patience will be rewarded with a high quality email list (which you own) and an engaged community of interested customers who, if they don't buy from you now, will remain interested, feel nurtured and be more likely to buy from you in the future.

"Do something so good they have to tell their friends about you." Keyboard CEO slide

“You can’t kill email! It’s the cockroach of the Internet, and I mean that as a compliment.”  Alexis C. Madrigal


During the next few weeks, I will be writing a series of posts on how to improve your email marketing campaigns so that they will deliver long-term growth for your company.


Your email list is the most important marketing asset you own.


We are doing two talks at this year’s Bath Digital Festival.